Wednesday, 16 September 2015

ISO 9001 getting revised

Revisions to ISO Standards can happen every five years – revisions are part of the ISO process and are to be expected. A formal global review completed in 2012 resulted in the final decision to revise ISO 9001. As with previous revisions, this will be a consensus process – ISO 9001 will be balloted at all appropriate stages by all ISO Member Nations. As changes are being solicited and discussed, inputs are being formally sought from all ISO Member Nations.

What will the ISO 9001 Revisions will do
Take account of changes in quality management systems practices and technology since the last major revision to ISO 9001 (year 2000). It Provide a stable core set of requirements for the next 10 years or more. Ensure that requirements in this standard reflect the changes in the increasingly complex, demanding, and dynamic environments in which organizations operate. Ensure that requirements are stated to facilitate effective implementation by organizations and effective conformity assessment by 1st, 2nd and 3rd parties, as applicable. Ensure that the standard is adequate to provide confidence in those organizations meeting the standard’s requirements.

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