Friday, 18 September 2015

Understanding the ISO 9001 Certification

ISO 9001 has all quality management system to the organizational products, including services, and operational processes. It involves all the application of the principles, procedures and techniques of auditing.

Quality Planning
Requirement to plan QMS & maintain integrity of QMS as result of changes to system. Corresponding requirements in Element 4.3.4 Environmental & OH&S management programmes. Process for planning and maintaining integrity is similar for all three standards. Plans, arrangements and management programs relating to all three standards should be developed and reviewed comprehensively.

For more information on ISO 9001 2015 Training

Responsibility & Authority
Requirement to define and communicate responsibilities and authorities at all levels
Corresponding requirements in Element 4.4.1 Structure & Responsibility. Overall organizational structure and means of documenting/communicating responsibilities should be carefully coordinated. Include text and/or visual identifiers (symbols) within the same document for each of the three systems.

Management Review
Management Review processes should be as integrated as possible, to enable more effective review of all relevant inputs, results, etc., and to enable more effective planning. Top Management Reviews may derive from a series of low level meetings, but must be conducted by top management.

Competence, awareness & Training
Requirement to determine training requirements, provide training, evaluate effectiveness and maintain records. All competencies can be defined and managed under one system.

Determination of product requirements
Process for identifying and maintaining the above requirements should be integrated. The process planning section of this workshop provides a recommended method. Review process required to ensure product requirements are identified and current, including contract and order requirements. Review and update of processes should be integrated to ensure all applicable requirements are systematically identified.

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